April 11, 2020 Patrick

City Stars players turn to community caregivers

On Wednesday and Easter Friday, Nairobi City Stars players put behind their footballers’ tags to serve several communities across the City of Nairobi.

Led by skipper Noah Abich, his assistant Calvin Masawa and field captain Anthony Kimani, a long list of active players joined hands with team owner and sponsor Jonathan Jackson Foundation (JJF) to lend a hand in distributing food hampers to the vulnerable families in Kibera and Deep Sea in Parklands.

This is in the wake of the Corona Virus pandemic that, from mid-March 2020, disrupted operational norms not only in the country but across the globe.

JJF joined hands with Team Pankaj who on their own accord rallied major corporates to contribute food stuff and other household items towards the noble idea.

Speaking on the same, Jonathan Jackson, the chair of both City Stars and JFF said;

“With a reset from normal life there are communities that are adversely affected by the Corona Virus pandemic. A work-from-home call by the Government that has been heeded by many as a way to contain the spread of virus has left many a common person without a livelihood. These are part of reasons we are joining hands with the likes of Team Pankaj and the helpful hands of City Stars players to distribute foodstuffs to the most hit communities. We have done this across the week and hope to continue in days to come.” he added

Commenting on the same, Abich who led the team in distributing the hampers on Wednesday across different centers said;

“This is a worthy cause and when we were informed there was work to be done, we quickly availed ourselves for that purpose,”

“The Corona Virus has affected many families as home providers are now temporarily jobless due to a shutdown to many earning opportunities. We will continue to lend a hand to JJF as I thank all those that have come forward to donate and put a smile to these families.”

Masawa who led another team back to Kibera and Deep Sea on Friday said;

“With our league on hold due to Corona Virus we have now turned our focus to serve the community and are working hand in hand with JFF to see to it that we put a smile to the most affected families across different communities.”

A final comment came from the team CEO Korir who said; “I must thank Team Pankaj for minding the society during this hard times. Their generosity is simply second to none. As they provide the goodies, my team and I, and in conjunction with JJF, will always be at hand to deliver the same to the most deserving in the communities.”

Other than the distribution, the City Stars team has also been actively involved in packaging of the hampers at Team Pankaj’s Pack House in Westlands.

Midfielders Charles Otieno, Elvis Ojiambo and Oliver Maloba, keeper Ronny Kagunzi, left back Wesley Onguso and striker Ezekiel Odera, team trainer Arthur Museve and CEO Korir were part of the Wednesday team.

Right back Kevin Okumu, defender Edwin Buliba and winger David Gateri joined in on Friday as Maloba, Kimani and Odera took a break. More players will be activated in days to come.

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