April 12, 2020 Patrick

One on one with striker Davis Agesa

Davis Agesa

Call him an introvert, for so few words leave his mouth. You may never know what striker Davis Amuyunzu Agesa is thinking.

But on the field, the six-foot-three front rover is a bully, a bulldozer of back lines due to his speed and power that most people have asked him to relocate to Ngong road – to play rugby!

That’s a debrief of Kawangware Primary and Kaimosi Boys alumnus, a committed member of Nairobi City Stars front row over the last few years.

The graduate of Vapor Sports Academy in Kawangware, who was once in the ranks of Kenyan Premier League side Thika United in 2018, talks to us about his football journey, his professional stints in Seychelles and East India and the downside of a career threatening knee injury from Asia.

He’s a sure starter for City Stars this season with six goals, five assists and four MVPs awards to show for it in 23 games played.

In his words, he says he’s a ‘beast’, a Lion, and no defender has ever stood in his way . . .

City Stars: Share your background from Primary to High School

Agesa: I started my kindergarten at a private school (Emmanuel Academy) then moved on to a public school (Kawangware Primary School) for my primary education for eight successive years. Later on, I proceeded to Kaimosi Boys High School for my Secondary education.

City Stars: Share with us your football journey in high school and how far that took you (provincials, nationals)

Agesa: While in High school this is where my football career escalated because in Primary School, I played little football even though outside school I was an academy player at His-Majesty Foundation.

During year one in High School it was impossible to get through to the school team due to a great talent pool.

I had already joined Vapor Sports Academy in Kawangware as I went to High School but even then the minimal Academy experience I had acquired was not enough. But my breakthrough came in form 2 as I joined the school team.

Kaimosi High was dominant at the District and Regional levels but the Provincial level always proved tough due to the presence of big boys such as Chavakali High School and Vihiga High School.

In my last year in school – form 4 –I got offers to join Vihiga Allstars as well as Chavakali High School but I turned both down.

City Stars: Tell us how you arrived at City Stars and how your early years in club football was

Agesa:  I joined City Stars from Vapor FC under the guidance of Coach John Amboko who enhanced my development from the academy level. It was in the middle of the season just right at the start of second leg in June 2017.

I quickly adjusted to the competitiveness of the National Super League (NSL) and earned a spot in the first team right away and bagged a brace in my second match against Migori Youth leading City Stars to a 2-1 win.

Help from the coach and fellow teammates who supported me since my early days made me feel at home at City Stars.

City Stars: We are made to understand you played outside the country in India and Seychelles for sometime. Please share your adventure with us. Do you aspire to return abroad?

Agesa: It was a whole new experience at the professional level in Seychelles. Different type of players, different type of mentality, but same football though on a very different environment which was tough due to high humidity.

This was in 2015 when I signed a one-year contract with Revengers FC. I stayed at the club for six-months but terminated the contract on mutual consent due to financial struggles at the club. I then returned to Vapor Sports.

I late 2018 I was to join Baridhara in East India (Bangaldesh) but that didn’t go well as I suffered an LCL knee injury while playing preseason tournaments. It was a my first major injury and a major setback and I struggled to recover from it. I never even got to sign a contract for Baridhara.

So I’d say yeah, with the experience I have now I aspire to return abroad at a professional level. From my past travel I learned and gained a lot which I believe got me to grow to a better player.

I believe I have the quality to deserve an opportunity abroad and when it arrives I’ll always be waiting at the dock, ready.

City Stars: Tell us your worst moments while at City Stars

Agesa: My worst moment at City Stars has to be a period which I traveled back from East India with that knee injury.

I had left the team on high (before joining Thika United in early 2018) but upon return I found a struggling lot and right at the bottom of the NSL table. It was heartbreaking and I felt helpless with my knee injury.

But as soon as I started feeling better (not fully recovered though) I did try to put in a fight for the team. We did well and at the end of the season we escaped the NSL red zone.

City Stars: Some fans have said your have too much power and speed and you should consider a place in the Kenya Rugby 7s squad. Your thoughts?

Agesa: Ha ha ha. If I am able to multitask then why not go for it? I would probably excel there  . . . . . . . . But then again maybe I’d be referred to boxing (ha ha ha) when am in rugby. Truth be told, I was made for football so I’d rather stick to my lane.

City Stars: What can you say of the current City Stars setup; new management, the quality in the team and would you say this is the year the team will go up to the KPL?

Agesa: I have to give all the appreciation to Mr. Jonathan Jackson & the co-team (Foundation) for the new set-up that has massively improved the welfare of the players and outlook of the club.

With a new international gaffer Sanjin Alagic and the assistance of technical bench we have improved immensely and without a doubt I can say we are a quality team in our tier.

With this managerial setup I feel we are cut out for better things in years to come. If I go by the results and the performance we’ve pulled in so far, then this has to be the year Nairobi City Stars will go to the KPL. The top guns there should expect us.

City Stars: You play as a striker, no. 10 and right winger. What is you preferred position?

Agesa: In High School I was a deep lying attacking midfielder featuring predominantly as a no. 10 position creating/assisting/scoring goals while in a pivotal role to the buildup.

Over the years I have been lucky to be managed by different type of coaches/trainees all of whom have had different tactics/approaches to the games.

That means I’ve been deployed at different positions of attacking as I have the quality to adjust to any of them. But the one position I feel at home with is as a striker.

City Stars: As a forward you have to contend with mean defenders. Who are some of those that cause you nightmares?

Agesa: I have faced tough opponents, but I can’t point out the mean one who stands out from the rest because I always beast my way around. So far no nightmares yet because I am a Lion.

City Stars: Who inspires you the most at City Stars

Agesa: I find every single player at City Stars as an inspiration in different ways because I look at each of them from a different perspective.

But I’d say the one who stands out the most in the team has to be our goalkeeper Levis Opiyo (Lovae) because of his winning mindset, professionalism and passion for the game.

The good thing is that he happens to be one of my closest friends in the team as we have good relationship; he pushes me to perform and I push him as well.

City Stars: Locally, which player(s) do you look up to?

Agesa: Has to be former national striker Allan Wanga and current striker Micheal Olunga

City Stars: When not training and playing football what else occupies your time?

Agesa: When I’m not in the field I’m at home resting as I spend time with my family, watching TV a lot & playing some FIFA games.

City Stars: Finally, when you hang your boots someday, what will you venture into? 

Agesa: When I finally wave goodbye to playing I wanna be in a position where I’ll be able to give back to the football society. Basically, I will still revolve around football because football is what I live, lived, for.

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