December 1, 2019 Patrick

Muki named MVP, gifted by international Law firm

Anthony Kimani

Nairobi City Stars ended a three-year bad home patch to take down bogey team St. Joseph’s 2-0 in a National Super League (NSL) round 17 match at Camp Toyoyo on Sun 1 December 2019.

Masterminding the win, the first at home over St. Joseph’s since dropping down to the second tier in 2017, was skipper Anthony Muki Kimani who rounded off the visitor’s keeper George Ouma in the second half to score a masterclass, the second goal.

He was the provider of the first goal as his final touch was put home by Davis Agesa in the 19th minute.

Muki, making a return to City Stars after ten years, commanded the midfield with ease and at the end of the contest was named the Man of the Match.

The mention earned him a pair of boots from Dev Kumar Parmar of international firm Parmars, a Sports Law and Business company based in the UK and Spain. The firm concentrates on Sports Business Development,  Athlete/player management and Dispute Resolution with plans to soon spread to Central Europe.

Dev Kumar Parmar who handed Muki the award in person said;

“It was an honour for Parmars Sports to be invited to gift some boots to the man of the match in today’s 2-0 victory. NCS is now unbeaten in 17, one of only a few unbeaten teams across the world this season,”

“We wanted to support the tremendous achievement of the team thus far this season, and to give the man of the match a little something whilst we were in Nairobi. We thought this would be the best way to show that we are following the team from afar and are hugely proud of what they are doing.”

Upon receiving the boots an excited Muki said;

“This is a great motivation not only to me but to other players whom I thank for bringing the best out of me in the game today. It will definitely spur me and the rest of the lot to give their best in games to come,”

“The boots are size nine and a perfect fit, it’s like they knew they were coming to me,” he said with a light laugh before adding “With them in my possession I no longer have to think about how I will train at Toyoyo. I truly appreciate the gift, thank you Parmars.”

Muki’s goal against St. Joseph’s was his second for City Stars this term. His first was against Kenya Police in early October 2019.

He has five assists so far and was named the best goal provider in the NSL at the close of the months of September and October 2019.

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