November 4, 2022 Patrick

Muki: League delay is causing anxiety

City Stars

When will the League (2022-23) kick-off? This is a question Nairobi City Stars field skipper Anthony Muki Kimani posed to the team honchos and the response he received was ‘hopefully soon’.

According to Muki, an unknown kickoff to the league is mentally destabilizing players across different leagues.

“We have been in training for weeks now and all players are now in good shape. Friendly games have blended us with the new players and I can say almost all clubs have been ready for the long overdue kickoff,”

“Other than kickstarting the gelling process with newcomers, pre-season builds up through early days then climaxes after six to eight weeks. Normally, it’s at that point that leagues kick off with all teams at an optimal level,”

“But now we face a situation where some teams have trained for over three months which has led to immense anxiety,”

“Each time you play a friendly game it’s an anticipation of something bigger, a league game, which are unsure of. We hope that sooner than later wait will come to pass,” added Muki

The 2022/23 FKF Premier League was to kick off in the month of September but after several postponements, it was called off indefinitely. The 2021/22 season concluded on 12 June 2022.

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