May 7, 2022 Patrick

Injury slows down trio


Nairobi City Stars trio of Peter Opiyo, Vincent Jamaica Otieno Okoth,, and Erick Ombija have been slowed down by recent injuries.

As per updates from team physio Brian Otieno Odongo, the three are being closely monitored as they recuperate from their varied ailments.

“Vincent is out for a while due to tendinitis suffered during a friendly in Ng’ong. Ombija is out with a knee injury that occurred in training while Opiyo is on rest after sickness,”

“Vincent and Ombija will soon start light training as we monitor Opiyo’s progress,” said Odongo

Both Jamaica and Ombija have missed the last three games while Opiyo has been out of the last league games.

While highlighting the state of the three, Odongo gave an update on two other players who have been on the injury list.

Steve (Njunge) has already kicked off rehab as well as Ronny Kola. In a matter of weeks they will be good to go.” said Odongo

Both Njunge and Kola were kept out of action due to knee injuries.

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