January 31, 2024 Patrick

Edwin Mukolwe excited by chances

Edwin Mukolwe

Goalkeeper Edwin Mukolwe is all smiles as, game by game, the Nairobi City Stars front row persistently prods the opposition goal zone.

From the attempts upfront, he says, a breach is inevitable and the goals will come more than often.

19 games down the line into the 2023/24 FKF Premier League season, City Stars leads the scorers’ log with 26 goals. Simba wa Nairobi has scored in 16 of the 19 games having failed to score against Muhoroni Youth, Kenya Police in the first leg, and AFC Leopards in the second leg.

“We are creating chances in almost all the league games play in. This is exciting because with chances, the goals do come,”

“When you complement that with a backline that does it’s job of keeping it tight, it then becomes easier to win games from the goals, albeit few, that come from the chances created,”

“This are the reasons we are the best scrong team in the league. This excites me about the team,”

Mukolwe, signed in the offseason from Bidco United, has been a regular feature for Simba wa Nairobi claiming 14 of the 19 games clocking 1,170 regular game minutes, and keeping five clean sheets.

He has made it to the team of the week on two occasions after games against Posta Rangers and Bandari. He was named MVP against the latter.

Team of the Week for Matchweek 13.

Mnaonaje hizo Selections?#FKFPremierLeague pic.twitter.com/WmIbMGnfte

— FKF Premier League (@Officialfkfpl) December 5, 2023

Mnaonaje hii selection?#FkfPremierLeague pic.twitter.com/j35FpipRwk

— FKF Premier League (@Officialfkfpl) December 12, 2023

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