January 19, 2024 Patrick

Yuto Kusaba registered, ready for Kenyan Premier League

Yuto Kusaba

Japanese forward Yuto Kusaba is now eligible to feature in the Kenyan Premier League after completing his registration with the Football Kenya Federation (FKF).

Yuto was locked out in the last transfer window after it emerged that international guidelines of the FIFA Transfer Matching System (TMS) had not been met before his move to Simba wa Nairobi.

This is after he had joined the club from Embu-based FC Zenshin, a fourth-tier side.

“That is behind us as the due process has been followed on both international and local transfer platforms. He is now fully registered,” said team coordinator Samson Otieno

“Following the earlier complication, Yuto traveled back to Japan in late September (2023), and returned in early December. He’s been training with the team ever since,” added Otieno

Head coach Nicholas Muyoti commented on the new development stating;

“Yuto’s availability gives us a good problem to deal with as he adds on to a very active forward line. He brings competitiveness and gives us options to consider.”

On his part, Yuto talked up his registration;

“It’s been a long wait to get the clearance to play in the Premier League. Expect my goals.”

Yuto will don jersey no. 21.

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