September 10, 2019 Patrick

Sadness! Two bereavements at City Stars

Fate has visited the homesteads of two Nairobi City Stars wingers Heritier Luvualu and Stephen Mweni after claiming a son and sibling, respectively in the week ending Sunday 8 September.

Luvualu who rejoined City Stars in April for a second stab lost his 11 year old son out in the Democratic Republic of Congo. He had been in and out of Hospital for the past three months but unfortunately succumbed to his illness.

Heritier is expected to jet out later in the week to finalize funeral arrangements.

Mweni, a new acquisition in the July window lost an elder sibling on the night of Friday 6 September, 2019. He will be

A club statement on the two unfortunate incidences states;

“As City Stars we send our heartfelt condolences to Heritier and Mweni their families and friends and stand by them during these difficult times. Our prayers are constantly with them and may the souls of the departed rest in eternal peace.”

Following the bereavements the two have been given compassionate leave that is expected to span into next week.

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