A select number of Nairobi City Stars players concluded distribution of 100 hand washing stations across several localities in and without Kawangware in the ended week.
The latest activity was borne out of a coalition with the Nairobi Business Compact on Corona Virus (NBCC) and geared towards helping realize grass root penetration of interventions on the pandemic.
The latest initiative saw the placement of hand washing stations around businesses and areas with high traffic around Gatina, Satellite, Kabiria, Waruku, Kawangware, Waithaka, Nduaru, Ng’ando and Riruta
NBCC’s aim in placing and managing of hand washing stations by community members, with it’s partners, is to amplify the hygiene and behavior change.
During the launch of the same back in August City Stars chairperson Jonathan Jackson said;
“This acceptance in this community is a priceless bonus as we are able to articulate NBCC’s narrative, have our hand washing stations manned and our staff accepted as being part of the positive change happening in this community.”
While patrolling the communities to actualize implementation and use of the stations, Nairobi City Stars left back Wesley Onguso, a true community servant said;
“As players from this community we will embrace anything that goes towards keeping the society safer from the pandemic,”
“We are taking charge of the implementation and we will keep tabs on them to ensure there is enough and regular water and soap for use within where they have been planted. That is the least that we can do as City Stars players as we are aware that clean hands do more than preventing spread of Covid-19.”

City Stars team coordinator Samson Otieno and legend Arthur Museve spear head installation of hand washing station

Two City Stars players Elvis Ojiambo, Wesley Onguso testing a hand washing station

Charles Otieno confirming a hand washing station serves the community well

Elvis Ojiambo, Rowland Makati with a happy hand wash user

Rowland Makati observes use of a hand washing station set up in one of the communities