October 23, 2023 Patrick

Oalo in MD7 team of the week


Nairobi City Stars forward Dennis Oalo was listed in the first eleven at the close of matchday seven against Shabana in Homabay Stadium on Sunday 22 October 2023.

Oalo was introduced in the 41st minute of the game for injured Newton Ochieng at a time Simba wa Nairobi was trailing 2-1 to Shabana. He emerged as the MVP for City Stars.

He became the turning point after a quick switch in formation to 3-5-2 which later yielded the equalizing goal in the final ten minutes of the game.

In making it to the team of the week, Oalo becomes the third City Stars player this season to join that club after Rowland Makati and Kelvin Etemesi after matchdays four and five, respectively

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