January 16, 2023 Patrick

Newton Ochieng comments on Kenyan topflight

Newton Ochieng, City Stars

Nairobi City Stars midfielder Newton Ochieng aka Tony believes he’s mustered his way around the Kenyan Premier League so far though only in his debut season.

Newton made a massive leap from third side Vapor Sports to the Kenyan topflight and earned his maiden game in the starting game of the season against Bidco United in Nyayo Stadium as a second-half substitute.

He went on to register his first start against Tusker in the next game and topped up with two more games against FC Talanta and Posta Rangers, all as a substitute.

“The Kenyan Premier League has so far been fair enough for me. At first, it was challenging,”

“But the trick has been to understand the (teams’) way of play, players, and knowing the exact role to play,”

“I have come to learn that the Kenyan Premier League is about strategies because it’s a level where you are competing with big names all of whom have experience,” added Newton

The budding midfielder has however been forced to miss out on playtime after match day four after picking a knock during pre-match warmup in Sudi ahead of a game against Nzoia Sugar.

“The injury came at a bad time, just before the Nzoia game forcing me out of the squad for a few weeks,”

“I am now back to light training and in due course I will be back to serve the team on the pitch.” added the former Upper Hill School skipper

Photo credit – Hassan Mandevu

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