January 31, 2023 Patrick

Club Statement: Match manipulation in Mbaraki on Sun 29th Jan 2023

Following events that transpired in Mbaraki on Sunday 29th January 2023 during a match day 13 Premier League tie against host Bandari, Nairobi City Stars wishes to highlight what we and no doubt many others consider as acts of match manipulation.

There were several incidents in the closing part of the match that led us to believe the same including the unjustified prolongation of the match, as well as a chain of events leading to a dubious award of a penalty.  Our views have been corroborated by many who watched the game, which was both attended, as well as being streamed live.

The match only came to an end after the penalty award, which can be seen as being awarded subsequent to simulation. Bandari scored from the spot kick to win the game 2-1.

Nairobi City Stars has officially filed an official complaint with Football Kenya Federation (FKF), and FIFA’s integrity office, with three key prayers:

  1. nullification of the Sunday match against Bandari,
  2. a replay ordered,
  3. expulsion of all involved in manipulating the match.

We await their response on the same in the soonest time possible.

In the meantime, City Stars will not relent when such individuals determine outcomes of games for reasons best known to themselves at the expense of clubs that have and continue to commit sizeable resources to support and provide a livelihood to the youth.

Match manipulation is something that has been endemic in Kenyan football for far too long, and as a club run in order to support and benefit our community, we will certainly not stand for it.  We are willing to fight for the change we want to see and will fight tirelessly for it.

Patrick Korir

CEO, Nairobi City Stars

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